We have been set apart to set our minds on things above. As Christians, we are instructed to put off the old ways of life- sexual immorality, impurity, anger, wrath, malice, lying; and put on our new selves, revealing a desire to become like Christ and separating from the world.
Trust the Process- The Why
Sanctification is the act of becoming more personally dedicated to God; especially by becoming more distinct, devoted, or morally pure. Sanctification is a daily, lifetime process. When we focus on why God takes us through this process, instead of our circumstances, we are able to direct our focus to Him.
2021 Elder Ordination
Make Your Choice- Hope
Make Your Choice- Truth
Make Your Choice
God and the Judgement of Sin
Is God judging the world for sin? Why do we believe that God is judging the world for sin? Romans 8:1 says There is therefore now no condemnation in those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Make 2021 a new start for you and your relationship with the One who saves!