Sacrificially. Generously. Cheerfully.

Online Giving

For your convenience we provide secure online giving through your mobile phone or on your computer. We also provide a recurring giving option. Click the button below to give right now on our website.

Or download the Realm Connect App. You must be a registered Realm user to give via Realm. Need help? Contact

What about giving? Realm gives you control over your giving.

Giving should be easy, and Realm places giving right in the palm of your hands. You may set up recurring gifts, view your giving history, and make changes at any time. Realm automatically records all electronic gifts and adds them to your giving record making it easy for you to give, and easy for our bookkeeper to track.

How do I start? Follow a few simple steps.  

If you haven’t received an invitation to join Realm yet: 

  1. Contact for a Realm login. 

  2. To download the app for your mobile devices, Realm Connect, visit

  3. Your Realm login works on your home computer and on your mobile devices, so when you sign into Realm, use the login you created in step 1 for the computer or the app. 

  4. Check to make sure that we have your address and other personal information entered correctly under My Profile. If anything is incorrect, you can change it.  

In service

At all of our services, offering bins will be located in the back of both sides of the sanctuary. Envelopes are available at the info table, if needed.

By Mail

10208 Cozaddale-Murdoch Rd.
Goshen, OH 45122