Are you preparing Him room to change your life? Have you chosen to be available to Him? Have you surrendered your plans? Prepare Him room by being available!
Prepare Him Room
Lifting Kids & Lightpoint Church
We are so excited about our partnership with Lifting Kids in Sacatepéquez, Guatemala! Learn more about their mission and vision to break the cycle of poverty through a Christian education by loving every child, calling them by name, and providing opportunities outside of the confines of poverty. Pray about how God is calling you to partner with Lifting Kids- prayer, child sponsorship or mission work!
Future Home 2020 Update
What Is Your Testimony?
Prayer- Send Me
Prayer- Break Me
Prayer- Search me
Prayer- How to Pray
Back to Basics- Unity
When we are rooted in the truth of the Bible, trust the Spirit’s leading, take on the character of Jesus and are full of love for God and one another, the result is a healthy, unified church. We become an environment where everyone has value. We can recognize and appreciate the unique spiritual gifts we have individually been given. Relationships can flourish. We can have respect for and show grace to one another, even when we may disagree. And ultimately we, together as the church, are able to walk in the light, and can go out and shine the Light of Life into a dark world