Even during times of suffering, we have hope in the One who suffered for us.
True Grit- Responding to Authority
True Grit- Accepting Who We Are
True Grit- Love One Another
True Grit- Intentionality
True Grit- Persevering Under Pressure
True Grit- Honest Conversations About Racism
With all the national discussions regarding race, we invited long-time Lightpoint Church members Chad & Kim Lynn to share their stories of growing up with racism, dealing with racism in today’s society, and how we can live out our mission- to be a unified church that shines the light of Jesus into a dark & hurting world.
Hope That Restores
“Therefore thus says the Lord God: Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel,” Ezekiel 29:25a Hope brings prosperity, is revealed, brings life, unites, in the attack, and restores. As we close out our series, Hope- The Study in Ezekiel, listen in as Pastor Chad teaches how we can have hope restored.
Hope In the Attack
Be assured, attacks will come our way. God never promised us a life without struggles, trials or tribulations. He did, however, promise he would be with us in and through all things, good and bad. Discover what Ezekiel learned about having hope in the attack! Even in the midst of darkness, we can be assured of this- our hope rests in HIm.