Hope That Unites

Hope That Unites

In Ezekiel 37:15-28, the Lord commanded Ezekiel to join together the sticks of Joseph (Ephraim) and Judah (Israel). He says to Ezekiel in verse 19 “and make them one stick, that they may be one in my hand.” From this unity we learn that they walked obediently, in peace, and made known the Lord was their God. Do you walk in unity? Do your unified actions point others to Jesus? Listen in to Pastor Chad to learn more about what we can learn from Ezekiel 37 and how we can point others to Christ by our hope that unites.

Hope In Prosperity

Hope In Prosperity

During uncertain times we often look for hope in all the wrong places. Are we listening to God during these trying times? In chapter 36 of the book of Ezekiel, God gives Ezekiel a message of hope for Israel. The words spoken then are applicable now. In all seasons, in plenty and in want, prosperity and disaster, God is still who He says He is. He is still in control and He is still GOOD! Our hope rests in him.

Who Will I Choose to Follow?

Who Will I Choose to Follow?

Being BOLD lies within our every decision. The choices we make dictate our outcomes. If we want to live BOLDLY and follow Jesus BOLDLY then we will trust in Him. Good times or bad our choices must reflect our faith. Trust, decisiveness, and focus. This is what it takes to BOLDLY make choices that draw us to live like Jesus.