More - God's Plan for Depending on Him

More - God's Plan for Depending on Him

God alway has a plan… it may just not match to what we want it to be in the moment. He can see more than we can. If we live a life that depends on His plan, then we are going to align our approach, our choices, and our trust in Him. This is a journey of faith and focus. Are you ready to take the first step?

More - In Belonging

More - In Belonging

Doesn’t it really stink to be alone? Or what about not feeling included? Exclusion and feeling out of place are really miserable. Good thing God didn’t create us to be isolated! See what happens when the walls come down and we start moving with God. It’s amazing what happens when we put ourselves in the position to access what God has planned for our lives!

More - Understanding starts with...

More - Understanding starts with...

Experiencing more is all about increasing our relationship with God. More starts with understanding. Understanding how true faith and real love create and produce real hope. Knowing that our rewards are not always something that can be measured in the here and now. Living a life that shows the unlimited power of God. Listen in to see what understanding starts with…