Reflect - What Comes Out of Us

Reflect - What Comes Out of Us

Reflection is all about what comes out of us! What if there was a new way of living? Living in truth and forgiveness, loving those around us and speaking life to them! What if we centered ourselves on what Christ brings instead of being focused on what we bring?? Good news! We CAN Reflect!!!

I Am - Jehovah Jireh

I Am - Jehovah Jireh

Throughout the highs and lows of life it is sometimes hard to understand why we don’t get what we WANT or have what we believe we NEED. God is our PROVIDER and he knows our wants and needs. He also knows what is BEST for us and WHEN it is BEST for us. Listen in to the encouraging message of God’s provision. He will be there! He will be enough!

I Am - El Emunah

I Am - El Emunah

God has made it clear that he will never desert us or forsake us - This means that YOU are not forgotten… That YOU will not be let down… That YOU will be loved and never lied to… This means that God is faithful! Dive into the scripture that unlocks the faithful God that we all desire - He was here all along!