In Pursuit - Part 10

We encountered some technical difficulties/forgetfulness this week and didn't get an audio recording of this weeks sermon. Sorry, but we wanted to provide at least a summary of what we discussed so you can dive into God's Word and see what God decides to teach you about Joshua 5:1-12.

Start by reading Joshua 5:1-12

Over the last 9 weeks we have covered a lot of ground, but the Nation of Israel has finally made it to the Promised Land, the Land of Milk and Honey. How exciting for them to know that they are finally here, but I am sure they are a little nervous about what is ahead for them with the land full of Amorites and Canaanites. Before we move into more detail about their time in the Promised Land let's make sure we all understand the spiritual picture God is painting for us through the Nation of Israel's trials and travels.

  • The Nation of Israel was in bondage and slavery in Egypt for a long time. Egypt is a picture of the sinful world and our bondage and slavery to sin, a time where Ephesians 2 says, “we were dead in our sins” before we were saved by the blood of the Lamb.

  • The Exodus is a picture of the miraculous salvation from our sins by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God that was sacrificed for the sins of the world.

  • The 40 years in the Wilderness was a consequence of disobedience and lack of faith in God. We can walk in disobedience and lose faith in God and we will wander in this life living in the consequences of that. The wilderness consumed all those Israelites that had lost their faith in God. The wilderness will consume you and me without faith & obedience to Christ.

  • Crossing the Jordan is taking that step of faith into the Promised land of abundant life with Jesus. It takes faith to step out and trust God to lead you in this life, but there has to be a time when we take that first step to follow him.

  • Today we will see an incredible spiritual picture for us as the Nation of Israel is encamped in Gilgal.

The State of the Promised Land (:1)

The Bible tells us that the Kings of the Land were all frozen in fear because of the Nation of Israel and the power of their God. They knew these people had come to take their land and there was no hope for victory. 

There was not a better time for the Nation of Israel to attack! I am sure Joshua was salivating at the opportunity to take the Promised Land, but God had different plans.

The State of the Army (:2-10)

Instead of attacking, God chose to use the time while the enemies were frozen with fear to handle a few personal relationship issue with his army. God instructed Joshua to make sharp knives and circumcise the males. Did you hear that! God told Joshua to incapacitate the army of Israel. God was asking them to trust Him once again.

Our God cares more about relationships than anything. You see Abraham was instructed in Genesis 17:10-14 to circumcise all the males in his family. God said that this circumcision would would mark the covenant relationship he had with the Nation of Israel. While in the wilderness, no one circumcised their male children so the covenant relationship was broken. God wanted to restore and repair this relationship before his army went to battle.

The New Testament talks about a circumcision that is made without hands or a spiritual circumcision, not a physical one.

Colossians 2:11 - In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 

God desires to take his Holy Spirit and His Word and cut away the flesh from our hearts and lives. We should never go into battle before God has done some work in our hearts so that our covenant relationship with him is not broken. When our lives are full of sin there is a disconnection with God and we need to be restored to closeness and intimacy with Him before we step into battle. Otherwise if we battle in the flesh we will get smacked around like a rag doll.

When we allow God to circumcise our hearts and we have a restored relationship with Him we will experience freedom in our lives! He rolls away the reproach & shame of the world from our lives. This is a reason to celebrate!

This is what Israel did, after obeying the Lord in circumcision they celebrated the Passover. It had been a long time since they did this, so I am sure that it was so sweet to remember that deliverance from Egypt by the blood of the Lamb. When we celebrate communion we spend time remembering our deliverance from Egypt by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. 

The State of the Food (:11-12)

Now they are in the land and God does something that I am sure was bitter sweet. He ceased to send the manna for them to eat. What no more manna! No more manna burgers, mannacoti, bamanna bread. We are so tired of manna, but how will they feed all these people now? The Land of Milk and Honey will provide for the people now. They finally are in the Land!!

So where are you at today? Slavery in Egypt, freed by the blood of the Lamb, wandering in the wilderness, or have you taken that step of faith across the Jordan into the Promised Land. Abundant life in Jesus is full of freedom as you follow him day to day and let Him fight life's battles for you.