The uniqueness in the believer in the body of Christ is united by Christ by his specific design. Each believer is given a spiritual gift for the purpose of the growth of the body of Christ.
Jesus should be the center of our homes! Marriage is designed to be one flesh, the picture of marriage depicted by Christ and the Church. Jesus modeled all we need to be as parents: teaching obedience, being consistent, leading in love, teaching us to give thanks with good attitudes!
Let Christ be in everything, with thanksgiving driving all of our actions! We we allow the word of Christ to dwell in our hearts, we are strengthened with wisdom. When we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, we are fortified with hope and justified in our faith.
As followers of Jesus, we should put on the characteristics of one of his disciples: compassionate, kind, meek, patient, humble, exemplifying the hope of Jesus through our actions and words.
When we keep seeking Christ, we find ourselves living a new life with a new mindset. Continually seeking Christ means taking steps of faith which can be extreme.
Spiritual growth does not happen by keeping traditions, following people, or being religious. Spiritual growth happens when we hold onto Jesus,. No one else helps us grow spiritually but Jesus.
We must acknowledge that the fight we are in is for an eternal glory. If we are rooted in Christ, strengthened in our faith, with an attitude of gratitude, we are prepared to fight the good fight of faith with endurance.