When we keep seeking Christ, we find ourselves living a new life with a new mindset. Continually seeking Christ means taking steps of faith which can be extreme.
Spiritual growth does not happen by keeping traditions, following people, or being religious. Spiritual growth happens when we hold onto Jesus,. No one else helps us grow spiritually but Jesus.
We must acknowledge that the fight we are in is for an eternal glory. If we are rooted in Christ, strengthened in our faith, with an attitude of gratitude, we are prepared to fight the good fight of faith with endurance.
The Hope of Glory has us examining our old selves- put off the old and put on the new, providing new life. The Hope of Glory provides us with a new ministry and purpose for His glory.
We know our worth and value by knowing what God says about who we are. God qualifies the unqualified. He calls us his sons and daughters. He provides deliverance, a place for all to belong, and He redeems us.
Prayer should be an intentional act, with devoted time to praying for Godly wisdom, eternal impact, Godly strangth and the right mindset within the church.
During seasons of waiting, cling to Hope. Choose to worship. Hold onto the truth of God’s word, His never failing character, and always on-time promises.