We have been given a wonderful counselor in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus gives us counsel on anxiety. When we focus on what matters to God, anxiety will ease.
Real fellowship happens when we point people to the Light of the World, love God with all we have, submit to God’s sovereign rule, completely trust in God and experience God in a real and personal way.
In the church body, every believer has a place to belong, a specific function, gifts to use and specific responsibilities. Where is God leading you to use your gifts in the church body to impact eternity?
The love of God produces obedience. We are obedient to the leading of the Lord as a result of our belief in Jesus and our walk with Jesus. Are you a light in this world? Do you treat those in your life with the love of God as you are commanded?
To fully experience God, we must learn to make adjustments in life. Can you say that you love God more? Have you considered the cost of following Him? Do you consistently seek reconcilliation with God? Do you keep the right perspective?
God loves us so much, that He is our source of strength and our helper when we are at our weakest. He is always at work in our lives. Circumstances do not determine or define God’s love for us, He sent His Son to die on a cross to show His deep love for each of us.
God speaks through His word. When God speaks, are you prepared to receive it? Are you prepared to address the distractions? What are you choosing to belive?