When God created the world, he created a foundation for life. He established boundaries, provided all the needs for sustenance, established time, and provided a guide for creation to find their way to their Savior, Jesus.
With God all things are possible. Jesus provides the big answers to the questions we have. We are made alive when we give our lives to Jesus, who is risen from the dead to save us. Jesus gives us victory, freedom, love, and grace.
Big prayers start with our belief about God. As we pray, do we get distracted by the noise? Do we acknowledge the real issue? Do we avoid the real problems we are facing? Do we ask with complete belief? Do we remain open to the solution?
What you believe about God will determine your next steps in life. God cares for his children by giving them wisdom, and working His plan for His children regardless of the strategies of the enemy.
We are not called to be self-satisfied, we are called to be humble. We are not called to live our truth, but THE truth. Jesus is the truth. We must acknowledge our need for Jesus, remain close to Him and live in His love.
Jesus is not limited and allows us access to the Father. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ have torn the veil between us and God. We should not be limited in what we believe He can use us for.
We are often our own worst enemies. We lose focus and get stuck in complacency. When we are stuck, we need to return to the basics of our faith and stand out.