Jesus told us in the book of Matthew, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Sometimes, our faith journey is going to cost us. The price we pay for walking in obedience requires us to speak up, accept difficulty, being willing to be led, and letting go.
Time to Act- Seize the Opportunity
Time to Act- Unstoppable Faith
Time to Act- Outrageous Generosity
Time to Act- Boldness
Time to Act- Raised Up
Time to Act-True Devotion
Time to Act- The Filling
Time to Act- First Faith Step
Time to Act- The Promise
In the first chapter of Acts, Jesus promises the disciples they will soon be baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit, and be witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, to the ends of the earth. He was preparing the disciples to ACT as his witnesses. How are you being a witness for Jesus in your life?